Saturday, August 25, 2012

LDS Homeschool Conference part- 4

Michelle Stone is well known for her ideas on Celestial Education. At the conference she spoke on what she calls: Celestial Education- The 4th Stage. The Command For Us To Come Into The Presence Of The Lord. Her opening statement was that if we want to give our children the education that God wants them to have, then we must give it to ourselves first. She reminded us that the purpose of the gospel is to bring us back to Heavenly Father. She reminded us to be striving towards "Zion" which is a place where the Lord can be among us. She also said that along with faith, we should also be seeking knowledge. We can have faith that we will have eternal life, but we can also "know" that we have eternal life by gaining knowledge through the scriptures and words of the prophets. We should always be diligently seeking Him.

Tresta Neil's topic was listed as: Learning By Faith, but she actually taught more about how to teach children to feel the spirit. Even though I had wanted to hear the other class, this one was great too!  Some of her ideas were: To teach with symbolism, share your own experiences, stand in Holy places with them, record their experiences, etc. She reminded us to teach our children with the spirit and if we do, the Holy Ghost will write it upon their hearts. We can teach it to them- but we need to teach them to recognize and allow the Spirit to put it into their hearts not just their minds. She talked a lot about a talk that Elder Bednar gave called Seek Learning By Faith. All in all- another great class!

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