Friday, July 11, 2008

Wow! It's been a long time since I've posted anything. Sometimes life just gets in the way doesn't it? We have been so busy lately that I haven't had time for much of anything. We've been wrapping up the kid's baseball games and have been having a lot of playdates. Steve still has 2 more softball games before he's done for the season. We spent the night tonight over at the church participating in a humanitarian project. It was a whole ward effort. We had dinner and got a lot done. I love teaching the boys about service. Today was free slurpee day at 7-11. If you went in they gave you a free 7.11 oz. slurpee. As we were driving there Nate asked, "what's a slurpee"? I felt kinda guilty- after all, I thought slurpees were part of a food group or something when I was growing up. Steve reminded me that are kids are quite familiar with "frosties" and 1/2 price slushes from Sonic. The boys are definitely not deprived.

Today was also "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chick-fil-a. If you dressed up like a cow you could get a free combo meal. We were so going to do this. I thought maybe I had finally gone to far with what I would do to save a dollar but then realized that as long as it's honest and fun you can never go to far. I thought it would be a really fun memory for the kids too. What stopped us was that it would cost us quite a bit in gas to get to the nearest chick-fil-a thus defeating the purpose of the free food. Oh well, we stayed home with our slurpees instead. If you want to see some of the fun pictures from other peoples trips, head over to and check it out. There are some really fun pics. Crystal's website is one of my very faves.

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