Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Living Christ

Discover The Scriptures offers a free download to help you memorize The Living Christ. The boys have been working really hard at memorizing this. It's broken down into 12 weeks. The boys want to recite it with their cousins at a family Christmas party that we have coming up. They are doing AMAZING! I didn't think it was possible to memorize something so long in such a short time, but even Mason has been keeping up. Now me on the other hand... I've been trying, but I just can't get it all. These kiddos young minds are just amazing to me. This download has really helped. It has print-outs, copywork, pictures, etc. I even made little cue-card books on a binder ring and laminated them for each of the boys.

1 comment:

Megan said...

You are amazing. What a great idea!