Classic Novels
Classics for Young Children and Family Reading
- Aesop’s Fables
- Andersen’s Fairy Tales
- Beauty and the Beast
- The Besty-Tacy Series
- The Bible
- The Blind Men and the Elephant
- “Casey at the Bat”
- Charlotte’s Web
- Chicken Little
- A Christmas Carol
- Cinderella
- Dinotopia Series
- Dr. Seuss books
- The Emperor’s New Clothes
- The Story Of The Other Wise Man
- The Gift of the Magi
- The Giving Tree
- “God Save the Flag”
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- The Goose that Laid Golden Eggs
- Grimm’s Fairy Tales
- “The Highwayman”
- Hansel and Gretel
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
- “Lincoln, The Man of the People”
- Little Boy Blue
- The Little Engine That Could
- The Little House Series
- The Little Red Hen
- Little Red Riding Hood
- McGuffey’s Readers
- Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes
- Paul Revere’s Ride
- Perloo The Bold
- Peter Pan
- Peter Rabbit
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin
- Pinocchio
- Pollyanna
- The Princess and the Pea
- Puss in Boots
- Rapunzel
- Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
- Rip Van Winkle
- Robin Hood
- Rumpelstiltskin
- Rudyard Kiplng’s Just So Stories
- Sleeping Beauty
- The Song of Hiawatha
- Snow White
- Tales from the Arabian Nights
- The Three Billy Goats Gruff
- The Three Little Pigs
- The Ugly Duckling
- Tom Thumb
- ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
- The Wind in the Willows
- Winnie-the-Pooh
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Classics for Young Readers
- Alice In Wonderland, Carroll
- Animal Farm, Orwell
- Asimov on Numbers, Asimov
- The Anne of Green Gables
series, Montgomery
- Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
- “Battle Hymn of the Republic“, Julia Ward Howe
- Ben-Hur
, Wallace, Johnson
- The Bible
- Brighty: Of the Grand Canyon, Henry
- Black Beauty, Sewell
- The Black Stallion series, Farley
- The Chronicles of Narnia series, Lewis
- Collected Works of Edgar A. Guest
- “The Concord Hymn
“, Emerson
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Twain
- The Constitution of the United States
- David Copperfield, Dickens
- Davy Crockett Legends
- The Declaration of Independence
- The Diary of a Young Girl, Frank
- Don Quixote, Cervantes
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Stevenson
- Dred Scott Decision
- The Education of Henry Adams, Adams
- Eight Cousins, Alcott
- Emily Post’s Etiquette
- “In Flanders Fields“, McCrae
- Flatland, Abbott
- The Foundation series, Asimov
- Frankenstein, Shelley
- “The Gettysburg Address,” Lincoln
- “The War Inevitable”, Henry
- The Great Brain series, Fitzgerald
- Gulliver’s Travels, Swift
- Mythology, Hamilton
- “Hamlet,” Shakespeare
- Heidi, Spyri
- The Hiding Place, Boom
- History Reborn, Anderson
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain
- “I Have A Dream,” King
- Ivanhoe, Scott
- The Hobbit, Tolkein
- Island of the Blue Dolphins, O’Dell
- Joan of Arc, Twain
- Jo’s Boys, Alcott
- Journey to the Center of the Earth, Verne
- “Julius Caesar,” Shakespeare
- The Jungle Book, Kipling
- King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table
- Laddie, Porter
- The Last of the Mohicans, Cooper
- “Let America Be America Again,” Hughes
- The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
- The Little Britches
series, Moody
- Little Lord Fauntleroy, Frances Hodgson Burnett
- Little Men, Alcott
- Little Women, Alcott
- The Lonesome Gods, L’Amour
- The Lord of the Rings
series, Tolkein
- “The Man with the Hoe,” Markham
- Mathematicians Are People, Too (2 volumes), Reimer
- Moby-Dick, Melville
- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
- National Velvet, Bagnold
- Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language; see also: Online 1828 Dictionary
- North to Freedom, Holm
- “O Captain! My Captain!,” Whitman
- “Old Ironsides,” Holmes
- Old Yeller, Gipson
- Oliver Twist, Dickens
- Paul Bunyan and Other Tall Tales
- The Phantom Tollbooth, Juster
- “The Present Crisis,” Lowell
- “The Road Not Taken,” Frost
- The Real Benjamin Franklin, Allison
- The Real George Washington, Parry
- The Real Thomas Jefferson, Allison
- The Robe, Douglas
- Robinson Crusoe, Defoe
- The Sackett Series, L’Amour
- Saxon Mathseries
- The Secret Garden, Burnett
- Soldiers, Statesmen & Heroes, Parry
- Shakespeare’s Sonnets
- Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers, Kavanaugh
- Stuart Little, White
- Summer of the Monkeys, Rawls
- The Swiss Family Robinson, Wyss
- Tom Sawyer, Twain
- Treasure Island, Stevenson
- The Trumpet of the Swan, White
- The Doctor Dolittle
series, Lofting
- White Fang, London
- The story of William Tell
- Where the Red Fern Grows, Rawls
Classics for Adults
- Acton, The History of Freedom
- John Adams, “Thoughts on Government”
- Aquinas, “On Kingship”
- Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics
- Aristotle, Politics
- Aristotle, Rhetoric
- Augustine, The City of God
- Aurelius, Meditations
- Austen, Pride and Prejudice
- Austen, Sense and Sensibility
- Bacon, Novum Organum
- Bastiat, The Law
- Bastiat, “That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen
- Benson, “The Proper Role of Government”
- The Bible
- Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy
- Bronte, Wuthering Heights
- Bronte, Jane Eyre
- Carson, The American Tradition
- Capra, The Tao of Physics
- Chesterton, Orthodoxy
- Churchill, Collected Speeches
- Cicero, The Republic and The Laws
- Clausewitz, On War
- Confucius, The Analects
- Constitution of the United States
- Copernicus, On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
- Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Dante, The Divine Comedy
- The Declaration of Independence
- Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
- Descartes, A Discourse on the Method
- Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
- Dickens, Great Expectations
- Douglas, Magnificent Obsession
- Durant, The Story of Civilization (11 Volume Set)
- Einstein, Relativity
- Emerson, Essays
- Euclid, Elements
- Frank, Alas, Babylon
- Franklin, Letters and Writings
- Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents
- Galileo, Two New Sciences
- Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Goethe, Faust
- Hobbes, Leviathan
- Homer, The Iliad
- Homer, The Odyssey
- Hugo, Les Miserables
- Hume, Essays Moral, Political, and Literary
- Jefferson, Letters, Speeches and Writings
- Keegan, A History of Warfare
- Kepler, Epitome
- Martin Luther King, Jr., Collected Speeches
- Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- Lavoisier, Elements of Chemistry
- Lewis, Mere Christianity
- Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
- Lewis, The Weight of Glory
- Lincoln, Great Speeches
- Locke, Second Treatise Of Government
- Machiavelli, The Prince
- Madison, Hamilton and Jay, The Federalist Papers
- Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto
- More, Utopia
- The Magna Charta
- Mill, On Liberty
- Milton, Paradise Regained
- Mises, Human Action
- The Monroe Doctrine
- Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws
- Newton, Mathematical Principles
- Nicomachus, Introduction to Arithmetic
- Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
- The Northwest Ordinance
- Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Plato, Complete Works
- Polybius, The Histories
- Potok, The Chosen
- Plutarch, Lives
- Ptolemy, Almagest
- Shakespeare, Complete Works
- Skousen, The 5000 Year Leap
- Skousen, The Majesty of God’s Law
- Skousen, The Making of America
- Smith, The Wealth of Nations
- Solzhenitsyn, “A World Split Apart”
- Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
- Sophocles, The Oedipus Trilogy
- Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin
- Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
- Thackeray, Vanity Fair
- Thoreau, Walden
- Tolstoy, War And Peace
- Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War
- Tocqueville, Democracy in America
- Washington, Letters, Speeches and Writings
- Weaver, The Mainspring of Human Progress
- Wister, The Virginian