Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekly Review

Oh my gosh! I can't believe it's October already. I had planned on being diligent and posting on here at least weekly. Yeah, like that was going to happen :) Things have just been a little crazy around here the past month. We took a couple of weeks off from school so I could get some canning done. There was not a protest to be heard. I think the boys kept themselves scarce in hopes I would forget they needed to be doing more than just playing. It was a good break and I got a lot done. Canning spilled over into the rest of the month and I just barely finished peaches on Saturday. So far this year I have canned: 37 quarts of green beans, 18 pints of dilly beans, 8 quarts of apricots, 20 quarts of spaghetti sauce, 30 pints of salsa, 4 quarts of zucchini pickles, 6 pints of zucchini pickles, 15 quarts of peaches, 15 quarts of vegetable soup, 21 half-pints of strawberry jam, 14 half-pints of cinnamon apricot jam, and 28 half-pints of cinnamon peach jam. I'm hoping to do some more vegetable soup, chicken soup, and potatoes.
This month swimming group started as well as science club. It's been really nice to see old friends and get into a routine. We also went on a field trip to the Bingham Copper Mine. It was really interesting and we learned a lot. They have a great visitors center with a movie and many hand-on displays. Sadly, I left the camera home on the counter. The big kids have settled nicely into college life and between work and school, we hardly see them. We were able to get everyone home on the same night last Thursday and we went bowling and had pizza. We had a great time. OK October- bring it on! We have lot's of fun planned for the month :)


Megan said...

Oh.. my....heck! You are amazing! You are the canning queen!! You are my idol! Wanna know what I have canned so far??? Pear butter! That's it! I hope to do applesauce and apple pie filling. Yummy! Anyway, nice job!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! You won't have to worry about food for a long, long, long time when you're done. :) Canning is one thing I am anxious to do for my family, but we don't have a yard, so we don't we have a garden and I don't have a pantry so I don't have a place to store it. :( Anyway, that's awesome you got so much done!

Anonymous said...

Oh brother! "Alan" is supposed to be ME -- Lynette. :) Sorry. :)

Jennie said...

Nice to meet you "Alan" He He :) I usually don't can this much, but we have been really blessed this year and have been given a lot of free produce. My garden wasn't all that great this year so we got enough for eating, but not for canning. I also went to the u pick fields at Day Farms and got 2 boxes of tomatoes.

Karolyn said...

My awesome daughter. You totally amaze me and astound me. I am so proud of you and all that you accomplish. I was and am so blessed. I love you. Mom