Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Breaking News........

There's breaking news out of a home in Clinton. 10 year old boy is charged and convicted for his masterminding and carrying out of a major crime spree involving guns and trespassing. The child in question "shot up" the house with water guns and broke into the food storage room. Major damage occurred, mostly to the child's digestive system after eating oh let's say, 40 candy bars or so. He was, however, conscious of eating a more balanced meal and finished it off with pickles, salsa, pasta, water, juice and other condiments before being apprehended. The sentence is being carried out as we speak. $46 in restitution to be paid and $200 to be worked off at his mother's discretion- yes, slave labor. He is also grounded for life. If his parents are unable to carry out this sentence a sibling or spouse will ensure the sentence is carried out. Some have criticized this sentence calling it cruel and unusual punishment because there is no Nintendo DS or Game Cube time allowed, but the most cruel may be the missing of Scout Camp. The cruelty is to the mother of course, for having to deal with having the child complain to her about it for the whole day. When the mother was asked for her comment, she only asked "Does anyone know what the law says about child abandonment until the first day of school?" That should not be puzzling to anyone with children. Oh how we all love summer!


Anonymous said...

This was fun to read. I cannot believe Nate would do something like that, he is so good in our primary class! It has also been a lot of fun getting to know you better!

Soda Springs Idaho Home For Sale said...

Kids, kids,'s a good thing they're so adorable when they're little, or there would be a lot a stray kids running around here. It makes for great blog stories though.